
The “Rimpu Mbojo” Clothing Bima Culture

Clothing “Rimpu” is a typical fashion Bima community and may not be found anywhere in this hemisphere. Clothing Rimpu began to grow rapidly in the sultanate period together with the demands of Islamic law to cover the aurat.  By then, every woman must wear Rimpu out of the house and is a disgrace to the family if they leave the house without Rimpu.  By wearing 2 pieces of gloves, which one is used to cover the limbs from the feet up to the navel, while the other is used to cover the upper body (from navel to head).

In the past, Rimpu consists of two types:

Rimpu Cili, commonly used by a woman who is not married.  Cili in the Bima language means stealthy, and the eyelids are visible only.



Rimpu Colo, usually used by a woman who had married and face that looked just part of the face






Clothing “Rimpu” is a typical fashion Bima community and may not be found anywhere in this hemisphere. Clothing Rimpu began to grow rapidly in the sultanate period together with the demands of Islamic law to cover the aurat. By then, every woman must wear Rimpu out of the house and is a disgrace to the family if they leave the house without Rimpu. By wearing 2 pieces of gloves, which one is used to cover the limbs from the feet up to the navel, while the other is used to cover the upper body (from navel to head).

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